Our fund-raising Star-Spangled Banner Quilt is finished, and heading to
the Federation of Genealogical Societies Convention for display!

Everyone who participated in its creation thus far is entered in the drawing to win the quilt. But wait! There's more!
There are still opportunities available to WIN this beautiful king-size, handmade quilt!
1. Submit an article about YOUR War of 1812 ancestor, or how using digitized military records has enhanced your own genealogy research. Articles should be a minimum of 250 words, and emailed by November 1, 2016 to geneaquilters1812@gmail.com.2. Donate via the Genea-Quilters PayPal account. Be sure to include your contact information! You may also use the Donate button on the side of this blog article.
Please share this with all of your friends, both online and off. We'd love this quilt to make a big difference towards preserving the War of 1812 pensions!
Click here to JOIN the Genea-Quilters Facebook Group.